All our work is covered by a 12 month guarantee on workmanship. Materials supplied by us have a manufacturer guarantee of not less than one year.
We look forward to working with you on your project. Please let us know if you have questions or comments.
All quotes are valid for 30 days. All our work is kept on record and quote prices don’t normally change much in 6 months.
The above offer is subject to iMate Limited’s standard Terms and Conditions for the supply of Goods and Services as stated
All quoted work is to be carried out during normal working hours (7.30am – 5.00pm Monday – Thursday and 7.30am – 4.00pm Friday) unless
otherwise stated in quote.
Ownership of materials installed by iMate Limited does not pass until payment has been received in full.
Payment is due on the date specified on invoicing (generally on 20th month following date of invoice). Non-payment could result in a delay in
work progress.
Invoices will be lodged monthly at progressive stages of our work as materials and labour work is carried out with payment being required in
accordance with the above terms.
Components which fail due to power failures, dips and spikes.
Damages sustained through water, wind, fire and corrosion from the elements.
Damages sustained as a result of negligence or tampering from third parties.
Damages sustained due to a lack of maintenance.
Lack of supply due to covid
Fair wear and tear
1. Liability for delays to the program, fluctuations of any costs after the period of validation and throughout the contract procurement stages will
be excluded. All related fluctuations or increases will be done as a variation.
2. No Allowance for working at heights above 2m or trenching
3. No allowances for the sealing of walls where cables pass through, fire sealing, waterproofing, acoustic sealing
4. No Allowance for patching and painting
5. No Allowance for seismic bracing or seismic engineering, building works, concrete works
6. No allowance for supply, wiring and install of BMS system, anything to do with communication and data
7. No allowance for controls unless stated above
No Allowance for sub mains
8. We retain the right to reprice if there has been no site visit.
This quotation is based on information available to us at the time of submission and iMate Limited’s understanding of the
requirements and shall remain valid for 30 days.
This quotation is subject to our standard terms and conditions of trade as outlined above.
Should we identify any issues that affect the scope or price of this work, we will inform you immediately and obtain approval prior to
proceeding with works.
This proposal and quotation is submitted on the understanding that you will respect the confidentiality of all information supplied by us and
you will not disclose it in part or in full to any third party without first obtaining our written consent.
Thank you for this opportunity, and should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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